The Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust | Making Music

The Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
The Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust
Grant value: 
Beneficiary type: 


One-off grants available to registered charities for a variety of purposes including arts, culture and community projects. A preference for organisations based in the Midlands.

The Trust’s long-term interests in social welfare, music, nature, education and training combined with the Quaker values of simplicity, equality, justice, peace and care of the environment, underpin its grant making policy. 

Grants are made to registered charities, principally in the Midlands region,to support and develop the above areas of interest.

Applications are accepted all year round, and can be made on-line, or in writing/email to Trust Manager.

Trustees request a clear and concise description of the project as well as the outcomes and benefits that it is intended to achieve.  They also require an outline budget and explanation of how the project is to be funded initially and in the future together with the latest annual report and accounts for the charity. 

Applications are normally considered within a three-month timescale.

The Trust usually makes grants which vary in size between £500 and £10,000.