Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust | Making Music

Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust


The Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust offers grants to UK registered charities.

The objects of the Trust are to foster and promote the education of the general public in the appreciation of the arts and music, to relieve poverty and to support other purposes recognised by the law of England and Wales to be charitable.

Within these objectives, the Trust focusses on funding cultural and heritage preservation projects in the UK, especially in East Anglia.

Applications can be submitted at any time but must be received by 15 March or 15 September to be considered at the April or October meeting of the Trustees.

Applications should be sent to the trust administrator, either by post to the principal office address or as an email attachment.

Trust address:

Denise Gardiner

Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust 
3 Honeyhanger 
Hindhead Road 
GU26 6BA

Max Value: £4,000

Min Value: £1,000