Access Levels | Making Music

Access Levels

An MM Platform user’s Access Level determines what the user is able to see and edit on the Platform. There are five Access Levels:

  • Public Access – for the general public and website visitors who don’t have a Platform login, or are not currently logged-into their account.
  • Limited Member Access – for members of your group who are only entitled to view certain pages or resources in the Members’ Area. You can use this Access Level for prospective members, for example. 
  • Regular Member Access – for standard members of your group. This is for members who should be able to view all pages and resources in your Members’ Area.
  • Data Administration Access – for members who should have access to all member pages and resources, and certain specific administrative pages. Members with Data Admin Access can be granted permission to update certain areas of your database.
  • Webmaster Access – for your Platform’s webmaster(s). Members with Webmaster Access can view and update all member pages and administrative areas on the Platform.

A member’s Access Level is assigned to their website Login and can be changed by editing their Login. For more information, see our guidance on Member Logins.

Every page and item in your Platform has an Access Level which you can edit, meaning you can control exactly which members should be able to see that information. Certain pages will also display different information to members with different access levels (e.g. you might permit Regular Members to see all the songs in your Song Library, but Limited Members to see only a selection). For information on how to change a page’s Access Level, see our help guides on Customising your Making Music Platform.

TIP: Webmasters can use Making Music Platform’s ‘view all pages with…’ feature to check how pages appear to site visitors with different Access Levels. This feature is found in the top-right corner of any page on your site, under the Key icon.

If you cannot find what you are looking for in our help guides or have any questions please get in touch.