If you have previously been claiming Gift Aid by saying X amount of the membership fee was personal tuition and claiming on total fee minus X, under the new system you could not claim because if the fee includes any tuition you cannot claim.
However, you could revisit your tuition calculation, as what previously counted as tuition under the old guidance might no longer count as tuition under the new guidance.
Under the new guidance group activities, including rehearsals to play a piece the way the music director/conductor wants, are undertaken in the furtherance of the charitable objectives and would not count as tuition. For something to count as tuition it would have to be more specific one-to-one tuition or group tuition about how to sing or play better or develop specific skills. Any general improvement that might occur through the rehearsal process would not be classed as personal tuition.
This would mean that you could now claim on all of the membership fee (as opposed to fee minus tuition), because the definition of tuition has changed.