Removing barriers to concerts (online event)

Tiered red velvet seating with audience members from a bird's eye view


United Kingdom
Tuesday, 10 September 2024 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Ticket price: 
About the event: 

If you’re working on bringing new people into your concert audiences, tackling access barriers can help open doors. As part of our Access and Inclusion programme, this event will suggest actions you can take to attract a wider diversity of people to your concerts and what you can do to welcome and include people in this new experience.


For members working on audience development, whether performing or promoting groups, this event will present the benefits of taking an access and inclusion approach. You may have a particular inclusion aim – like connecting with refugees and migrants or including people with hearing loss – or you may simply want to introduce new people to the music you love. We’ll look at what the barriers to attending a live music concert could be, and the actions you can take to make sure these don’t put off potential attenders.


Taking the learning from our INCLUDE project – working with 4 member groups to widen the diversity of participants in their activities – and from research into barriers to arts participation, we’ll look at actions that have worked to address barriers. We’ll also consider access and inclusion challenges specific to your type of concert and discuss possible solutions.


This practical session will be led by our Access and Inclusion lead Alison Reeves as part of our Access and Inclusion programme. There will be time for you to ask questions and talk to each other about the challenges and successes you’ve experienced with diversifying your audience.


We'll talk about:

  • Spotting the barriers to attending a live music concert
  • Connecting with new people and supporting their first attendance
  • Taking action to welcome and include new attenders – so they want to come again


There will be an opportunity to ask questions via the chat function during the event.

There will be a short break during the event.


Who this event is for:  Anyone is welcome to attend this event, but it will be especially useful forfor anyone in a music group involved in organising concerts and working on audience development.

As our events are in high demand, we are requesting that only one person per group books to attend, to allow as many different groups as possible to benefit.


Cost: FREE for members and non-members

We will be using Zoom to host the meeting, and will email you the joining link two days and again two hours before the event is due to start.


Please read the event information below before reserving your place.

Reserve your tickets now

Registration for this event closes at 3.30pm on 10/09/2024.


Event information: 

  • This event includes a Powerpoint presentation (slides will be sent out in advance)
  • This event includes participant-led discussion
  • Questions will be taken via the chat function at this event
  • Breakout rooms will be used at this event
  • Automated closed captions (subtitles) will be available at this event. If you require live captioning, please contact us to request this


Expected event schedule:

  • 5.30pm: welcome and how we will use the Zoom features
  • 5.35pm: updates from Making Music
  • 5.45pm: event topic
  • 6.15pm approx: short break
  • 6.20pm: event continues
  • 7.00pm: finish

Timings may vary on the day.


Inclusivity statement:
We aim to make our events as accessible as possible. If you have any particular accessibility requirements or if there is anything else we can do to help make the event a better experience for you, please let us know.


Cancellation policy:

Making Music reserves the right to cancel an event due to low attendance numbers, adverse weather conditions or other circumstances which make it no longer possible to run the event. If you have booked a place and Making Music cancels the event, we will offer you a full refund where applicable.