Choral Workshop with Jonathan Willcocks | Making Music

Choral Workshop with Jonathan Willcocks


Singing is an ancient human art that links us to our tribal past. Man’s first instrument was the voice and when we sing our body vibrates, our lungs hum and our mind comes alive. It is scientifically proven that singing improves your overall health and sense of wellbeing. These benefits, together with a love of large scale choral music, are what bind Plymouth Philharmonic Choir together and new people are invited to join us so they too can experience the joy of ensemble singing.

On Saturday 30 September PPC is holding a music workshop led by top musical director, conductor and composer Jonathan Willcocks. Jonathan will be guiding singers through the intricacies of Gabriel Fauré’s haunting Requiem and his own Sing Africa. This event is open to everyone and promises to be a day of fun, leaning and friendship.

Please download a leaflet and booking form from our website here: or call Pauline Cornish on 01752 346563

Plymouth Philharmonic Choir is always looking to recruit new singers and rehearsals have just begun for our November 26 concert of Monteverdi’s towering masterpiece Vespers. It is not too late to join. Full details of the concert and how to become a choir member are on our website.

Event date: 
Saturday, 30 September 2017 - 9:15am to 7:00pm
Ticket Prices: 
£18 includes the loan of a score and a light lunch can be purchased for an additional £4
King Meade Hall
Plymouth College Ford Park
PL4 6RN. Plymouth
United Kingdom