Planning for access and inclusion (online event) | Making Music

Planning for access and inclusion (online event)

multicolour game pieces on a white background


United Kingdom
Wednesday, 14 May 2025 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Ticket price: 
About the event: 

Many leisure-time music groups want to be more accessible and inclusive, for a whole range of reasons. But when your volunteers’ time is short, and you have a busy programme to deliver, it can seem like too big a task to tackle. At this event we’ll look at how creating an action plan can identify what will work to include a wider diversity of people in your group, and drive the positive change you’re looking for.  

Between Autumn 2023 and Spring 2025, Making Music worked with 4 member groups to better understand how leisure-time music groups could include a wider diversity of people in their activities. From this learning, we’ve created a suite of resources that will support any volunteer led music group to develop and roll out a simple inclusion action plan. At this event, we’ll be looking in detail at the guidance we’ve created and talking about how you can use this to take your own small actions that will create a more inclusive environment.  

The actions your group will decide to take will be as unique as your group and community is: whether it's taking music events in to your community, creating access information for disabled people coming to your concerts, or considering your repertoire so it connects with people from other cultures. At this event we’ll consider what some of these might be, but also how to choose actions that will be achievable and effective.  

The resources we’ll be referring to are already published - INCLUDE: using an action plan to build inclusion | Making Music - and this event will introduce those and how to get the most benefit from them. We’ll talk about the Access and Inclusion working group we facilitate, and how connecting with people from other music groups who are working on access and inclusion could support you and improve your chances of success. Whether your group is very focussed on improving access and inclusion, or you are worried about even getting started, join us to hear about how our structured approach could help.  


We'll talk about:

  • Why working strategically is the best way to make change happen, and how to find the time.
  • Simple ways to plan for action – the resources Making Music provides, free for you to use. 
  • Identifying which actions are most likely to make your group more accessible and inclusive – and which are achievable. 
  • Getting the support you need to make change happen, from within your group and within the Making Music community.  

There will be an opportunity to ask questions via the chat function during the event.
There will be a short break during the event.


Who this event is for: This session will be useful for anyone in your group working on access and inclusion, audience development, or recruiting new participants. The session is aimed at all member groups, not just those with a specific inclusion remit. This event is part of our Access and Inclusion programme, suitable for those new to the topic and those who have previously attended other A+I events as we will cover some new ideas.  


Cost: FREE for members

We will be using Zoom to host the meeting, and will email you the joining link two days and again two hours before the event is due to start.


Please read the event information below before reserving your place.

Reserve your tickets now

Registration for this event closes at 2pm on 14/05/25.


Event information: 

  • This event includes a powerpoint presentation (slides will be sent out in advance)
  • This event includes participant-led discussion
  • Questions will be taken via the chat function at this event
  • Breakout rooms will be used at this event
  • Automated closed captions (subtitles) will be available at this event. If you require live captioning, please contact us to request this


Expected event schedule:

  • 2pm: welcome and how we will use the Zoom features during the event
  • 2.10pm: event topic
  • 2.40pm approx: short break
  • 2.50pm: event continues
  • 3.30pm: finish

Timings may vary on the day.


Recording information:
We may decide to record this event, either for publishing on our website, or so that we can review it internally.

  • We will announce at the beginning of the event if a recording is being made and what it will be used for
  • We will usually record in speaker view, meaning only people who speak will be recorded
  • If you speak, your image and voice will be captured in the recording
  • Attendee names as displayed in a Zoom meeting will not be captured in the recording
  • If you do not want your image to be captured, you may turn off your camera during the event. However, please be aware that if you do, your name will be displayed in place of your image, unless you have uploaded an image to your profile in Zoom
  • Breakout rooms will not normally be recorded
  • Your comments in the chat box will not form part of the recording

By booking a place and attending this event, you consent to being recorded in this way.


Inclusivity statement:
We aim to make our events as accessible as possible. If you have any particular accessibility requirements or if there is anything else we can do to help make the event a better experience for you, please let us know.


Cancellation policy:

Making Music reserves the right to cancel an event due to low attendance numbers, adverse weather conditions or other circumstances which make it no longer possible to run the event.