Growing your membership (with a focus on under 35s): Canterbury | Making Music

Growing your membership (with a focus on under 35s): Canterbury


Ann Robertson Centre
55 London Road
CT2 8HQ Canterbury
United Kingdom
Wednesday, 31 July 2019 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Ticket price: 
About the event: 

It's the perfect time of year to start thinking about recruiting new members in time for the start of the autumn term.

Many groups have told us that they want to be able to recruit more members, and in particular, to engage better with younger people. Thanks to a legacy left to us by Pauline Thompson, we’ve been able to develop a bank of ideas that can help!

Come along and find out more about the research we’ve done, and how you can use it to help your group reach more people of all ages.

Who should attend this event?

Anyone is welcome to attend this event, but it will be particularly relevant to anyone who looks after your group's marketing, recruitment, website or social media.

We'll talk about:

  • A summary of the research by Xenia Davis (Youth Engagement Manager) on what motivates under 35 year olds to make music
  • Our recommendations of actions you can take within your group to reach out to and recruit more people (of all ages!)
  • How you can retain new members in your group once they've joined
  • Anything else that arises on the topic!


More reasons to come:

  • Meet other groups like yours over refreshments
  • An update on new resources and services from Making Music
  • Meet your local Making Music team and ask questions


Cost: FREE for members and non-members


Reserve your tickets now


Venue and event information:

  • This venue has step free access
  • This venue has an accessible toilet
  • This venue has a hearing loop available (please request)
  • This event includes a powerpoint presentation (Slides are available in advance by request)

We aim to make our events as accessible as possible. If you have any particular accessibility requirements or if there is anything else we can do to help make the event a better experience for you, please let us know.