Young Conductors Mentoring Scheme with Crouch End Festival Chorus | Making Music

Young Conductors Mentoring Scheme with Crouch End Festival Chorus


An exciting opportunity for 2 talented young musicians with a passion for symphonic choral music to develop their conducting skills in a 1year mentoring programme run by Crouch End Festival Chorus (CEFC).

Successful applicants will receive :
- 2 mentoring sessions per month with Music Director David Temple, MBE
- participate in a half-day choral conducting workshop
- have the opportunity to conduct CEFC - one of Britain’s leading symphonic choirs.

Overnight accommodation will be provided to those who live outside of London.
Applications will be accepted from talented and committed young musicians who want to boost their conducting career, especially those with an interest in conducting symphonic choirs.
Applicants must be aged 18 to 35, from any musical background, and with any level of prior conductor training.

See the CEFC website for further details and information about previous participants.

Event date: 
Sunday, 1 September 2024 - 10:00am to Saturday, 26 July 2025 - 10:00am
Ticket Prices: 
Crouch End Festival Chorus London
United Kingdom