PRS | Making Music


Information you need before completing the PRS form

There have been changes to the Making Music PRS collection scheme this year. More information can be found on our PRS Tariff page. If you are unsure if you need to pay PRS fees, take a look at our PRS Self-Assessment tool

How to complete the PRS submission form

Paying for a ticketed event

Note that If you are paying for ticketed events the form only allows you to pay for 6 events at one time. If you need to pay for more than 6 events then you will need to submit the form again. If you want to pay for all in one go, you can select to pay by BACs or cheque and then pay the total amount for each submission all together.

  1. If you qualify for the 3.25% rate as you fall under the PRS definition of amateur you will need to use the 3.25% boxes to calculate your fees:
    • Each box relates to a single event.
    • For each event enter the gross ticket income for that event into one of the 3.25% boxes. Note that as there is a minimum fee of £32.49 (+VAT) then if your gross ticket income for the event is under £1000 you will need to enter a minimum figure of 1000 into the box – you can declare the actual gross amount as part of the programme submission
    • The form will automatically calculate the fee owed based on the gross ticket income for all events you are paying for and add this to the total amount due
    • If you are submitting before 11 December 2024 a 5% discount will be automatically applied to your total fee


  1. If you need to pay the 6.5% rate because you do not fall under the PRS definition of amateur you will need to use the 6.5% boxes to calculate your fees:
    • Each box relates to a single event.
    • For each event enter the gross ticket income for that event into one of the 6.5% boxes. Note that as there is a minimum fee of £32.49 (+VAT) then if your gross ticket income for the event is under £500 you will need to enter a minimum figure of 500 into the box – you can declare the actual gross amount as part of the programme submission
    • The form will automatically calculate the fee owed based on the gross ticket income for all events you are paying for and add this to the total amount due
    • If you are submitting before 11 December 2024 a 5% discount will be automatically applied to your total fee


Paying for a free event

  • Under the PRS (Free events) section select the Click here to help calculate your PRS payment button to open the PRS calculator
  • use the calculator to enter the number of events you are paying for that fall under each of the audience brackets. For example, if you are paying for one event with an audience size of up to 50 people then enter the number 1 in the box next to the Up to 50 option.
  • Once you have entered all the free events you are paying for click the update total button to add this to your total amount
  • If you are submitting before 11 December 2024 a 5% discount will be automatically applied to your total fee


Click calculate your PRS payment. Enter the details in the calculator for free events held between 1 Nov 23 - 31 Oct 24. Once added click the update total button. This will be added to the total amount due.

If you fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you can pay the 3.25% rate.

If you fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you can pay the 3.25% rate.

If you fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you can pay the 3.25% rate.

If you fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you can pay the 3.25% rate.

If you fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you can pay the 3.25% rate.

If you fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you can pay the 3.25% rate.

If you do not fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you need to pay the 6.5% rate.

If you do not fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you need to pay the 6.5% rate.

If you do not fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you need to pay the 6.5% rate.

If you do not fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you need to pay the 6.5% rate.

If you do not fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you need to pay the 6.5% rate.

If you do not fall under the PRS definition of an Amateur group then you need to pay the 6.5% rate.

Total Amount
Group Details