Music directors must complete the online form below on behalf of their group, with input from the group's chair or leading officer to apply for the Adopt a Music Creator project. We hope that this form is as user-friendly as possible, but if you have any queries or need it in a Word document or other accessible format, please contact the Making Music office on 020 7939 6030. Before completing the form, please ensure that your group satisfies the following criteria. Both the music director and group members are enthusiastic and able to commit to the composition process throughout the whole course of the project. It is possible for you to arrange time in your schedule to develop, rehearse and perform a new piece in 2025. Visit our web pages for the project timetable. Pieces written for groups are often around ten minutes long (but can be shorter or longer) and can be written to work around your existing repertoire and schedule. Your group is a member of Making Music. If you are not currently a member, find out how to join Although we ask about your past experiences with commissioning and open sessions, it doesn't matter if you don't have any. We would like to get a full picture of you and your group in order to assess how the project could be most useful to you. The deadline for applications is 5pm, Monday 21 October 2024. Please ensure you have read the information on our web page about the application process and project before you apply. Adopt a Music Creator is run by Making Music and funded by PRS Foundation and the Philip and Dorothy Green Music Trust. Group details Group's name * Group's website address Music director information This section must be completed by the music director for the coming season. Music director's name * Phone number * Email address * How long have you held this position? Please confirm you are planning to continue in this position during 2025 * Why do you want to take part?* Please tell us why you would like to take part in this project and what you are hoping to get out of it for the group, in no more than 250 words Please outline in no more than 250 words why you would like to take part in this project and what you are hoping to get out of it for your group. * Commissioning experience* Have you commissioned music before or premiered a new work? Please answer about your own experience as a musical director, and on behalf of the group if it was on a separate occasion. Please tell us about it below in no more than 200 words. It doesn't matter if you don't have any experience - please tell us this. We would like to get a full picture of you and your group in order to assess how the project could be most useful to you. Have you commissioned before or premiered a new work? Please answer for yourself as MD and for the group if different. Please tell us about it below in no more than 200 words * Open sessions* Does your group hold open sessions such as come and sing/play, open rehearsals or workshops? Please give details below. It doesn't matter if you don't have any experience - please tell us this. We would like to get a full picture of you and your group in order to assess how the project could be most useful to you. Does your group hold open sessions i.e. come and sing/play, open rehearsals, workshops etc.? * Next year’s plans* How would you fit Adopt a Music Creator into your rehearsal and concert schedule? Collaborating on a new work requires more rehearsal time than usual. How will you accommodate the extra rehearsal time into your existing rehearsal schedule? What performance dates are you considering for the new piece? What other repertoire are you considering including in that performance? Please tell us below in no more than 250 words. Next year's plans * Group information This section must be completed by a group member, ideally the chair or another leading officer (not the music director/conductor). Group member name * Group member role * Phone number * Email address * How will your group benefit from taking part in the project?* Please outline how the project would be beneficial to your group in no more than 250 words below Benefits for group * How many performing members do you expect to have during the course of 2025? * Structure of your group* Please describe the structure of your performing group (e.g. choirs should state 'SATB' or 'SSAATTBB' etc. and the size of each section, orchestras should state '2222: 2431: strs and perc' etc.) Please indicate the structure of your performing group * About your members* Please indicate roughly the percentage of your membership that falls into the following age ranges. <19 yrs*20 - 34 yrs*35 - 49 yrs*50 - 64 yrs*65 - 74* 75 +* <19 yrs * 20 - 34 yrs * 35 - 49 yrs * 50 - 64 yrs * 65 - 74 * 75 + * Rehearsals and performances How often do you rehearse? * Where do you rehearse? (i.e. name of town) * How many times do you perform in a year? * - Select -12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 Declaration This application is being submitted on behalf of the committee of the music group. Please check that the committee/chair of the group is in support of this application. Please note that by entering your name here you are agreeing to the above terms. I agree to the terms stated above Declaration confirmation * Music director * Group member * Date * Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Day MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Month Year20232024 Year Privacy statement We will use the information you provide in this form to assess your application and communicate with you about your application. This will include passing the information to the Adopt a Music Creator mentors and the PRS Foundation. The information will not be used for any other purpose. What happens next Musical directors of shortlisted groups will be contacted for a 20-30 minute phone call as part of the selection process. Successful groups will be asked to attend the launch day in London (or online) in January 2025 (date tbc). Please ensure that an appropriate person from your group will be available. Also, there will be a group development session in May/June 2025 (date tbc) for the music director (and one committee member, optional) of the group to attend. Leave this field blank Submit