Trusts and legacies | Making Music

Trusts and legacies

Aspects of Making Music’s work are supported by public funding, by trusts or foundations and by generous legacies from members.

Our funding providers 

Arts Council England (ACE)

ACE is funding our ‘Transforming member engagement and services’ project in 2015. Until 31 March 2015, Making Music was funded by ACE as a National Portfolio Organisation (NPO).


Creative Scotland

Creative Scotland funded Making Music for delivering services to members and amateur music groups in Scotland until 31 March 2015.

PRS Foundation

The PRS Foundation has been funding our long-running Adopt a Composer project annually since 2000. Having now grown, the project since 2015 has been co-funded by the Philip and Dorothy Green Trust.

Philip and Dorothy Green Trust

The Philip and Dorothy Green Trust was established by prolific film and television composer and conductor Philip Green (1911-1982), along with his wife, Dorothy, to help young musicians and composers.

Since 2002, the Trust has supported Making Music’s Philip & Dorothy Green Young Artists Award (formerly the Awards for Young Concert Artists) which has been running since 1961, thus securing its long-term future. Since 2015, the Trust has also co-funded Making Music’s Adopt a Music Creator (previously Adopt a Composer) project.

Alan and Ethel Kirby

The Making Music Kirby Collection has been created thanks to a generous legacy donation of £135,000 from Making Music’s first Chairman Alan Kirby, who was a leading figure in choral singing in Surrey in the mid-20th century. He and his wife Ethel were keen to ensure the continued success of choral singing in Surrey.

In 2009, the Making Music Board decide to use their legacy to purchase a collection of printed music which is housed by the Surrey Performing Arts Library and can be hired by any group in the UK.

Pauline Thompson Legacy

Our latest legacy donation is from Pauline Thompson who was a passionate choral singer all her life and used to sing with a number of Making Music member groups. The Pauline Thompson Legacy is to be used to encourage young people aged 15 to 35 in particular into choral singing and to integrate with adult choirs, as well as extending repertoire that will attract young people to sing in a range of different types of choirs of mixed ages.

A Youth Engagement Manager has now been appointed to start in August 2015. Her remit will include examining issues and barriers around young people joining adult instrumental as well as vocal groups.

Make a donation or leave a legacy to Making Music

Making Music relies on donations as well as funding and legacies to carry out its work, and in particular to realise its objective of encouraging more and new people to become involved in music so that more individuals and communities can experience and enjoy the benefits. Could you make a one-off donation, set up a regular standing order or include a legacy to Making Music in your will?

Contact us about leaving a legacy to Making Music.