unincorporated association | Making Music

unincorporated association

Unincorporated association governing document templates

We have developed two new template governing documents for music groups. They are both for non-charitable unincorporated associations:

  • Non-charitable unincorporated association - with a wider membership
  • Non-charitable unincorporated association - without a wider membership

Each document is available below as a PDF with notes and guidance on how to use it, and as a Word doc without notes to make it easy for you to use and insert your group’s details.

Before you use the document we suggest you read:

What is an unincorporated association?

When you are starting a music group thinking about the formal structure is not necessarily top of the list. But as groups grow and become more stable it is a good idea to start thinking about how your group is structured.

Choosing a structure for your group

When you are starting a music group thinking about the formal structure is not necessarily top of the list. With finding venues, members and music you have plenty on your plate without creating more paperwork and admin - and to be honest an informal, flexible approach can be useful when you are getting things off the ground. But as groups grow and become more stable it is a good idea to start thinking about a formal structure for your group.