

In the summer edition of Highnotes: we explore how groups can adapt to and implement change, and what Making Music can do to support them in the process. Will Prideux, Director of Peterborough Sings! talks about Peterborough Male Voice Choir’s work supporting project-based recruitment. We also discuss the second report from the Big Survey 2022, focusing on the financial contributions the leisure-time music sector makes to professionals.  

Youth engagement resource: Overview

Many music groups tell us they find it challenging to attract younger members. With the help of a generous legacy from lifelong choral singer Pauline Thompson, we have been able to compile a bank of resources aimed at helping you to reach out to under-35 year olds.

We'll continue to add to these resources, but in the meantime if you think we're missing something that would be helpful for groups like yours, or if you have any questions,  just get in touch

Highnotes - autumn 2015

In this edition of Highnotes find out about sourcing sheet music, how CoMA is putting contemporary music in the spotlight, get top tips for redesigning your group's website and much more.

Highnotes - summer 2015

In this edition of Highnotes, find out about classical clubbing with Gabriel Prokofiev, music education for adults with ABRSM, top tips on crowdfunding and much more.