Maidstone & Medway Sinfonia Autumn Concert 2024


Our first concert of the season starts with Ruth Gipps’ Variations on a Theme by Byrd. This is a work that is unpublished and unrecorded so an exciting chance to hear a work likely unheard since its premiere in 1942.

We then play Beethoven’s debut Symphony - the first of 9 that have become iconic in the orchestral repertoire.

Finally, we close the programme with Louise Farrenc’s Symphony No. 1 in C Minor. As part of the orchestra’s drive to champion the works of female composers, this will be the second of four pieces chosen for this. Two of them being unrecorded and unpublished.

Farrenc wrote three symphonies, the third probably the most famous. The first was written in 1842, exactly a century before Ruth Gipps’ overture.


Ruth Gipps - Variations on a Theme by Byrd
Beethoven - Symphony No. 1 in C
Louise Farrenc - Symphony No. 1 in C Minor

Event date: 
Saturday, 7 December 2024 - 7:30pm
Ticket Prices: 
£12 (£10 for Friends of the Orchestra) Under-18s: FREE
Event Poster: 
Brompton Academy
Marlborough Road
ME7 5HT Gillingham
United Kingdom