In memory | Making Music

In memory

Some of those who have passed away as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic were the much-loved members of music groups across the UK. Below we remember those that our member groups have lost, and celebrate their contribution to the musical communities they were part of. 

If you would like to share a tribute to a fellow musician, musical director, volunteer or anyone else connected with your music group on this page, please email us their name and dates, brief details about them and their role in the group (about 50 words), and the group name and location to: 

You can also use sites such as to set up a webpage where your community can come together to add photos, messages and donations in tribute to lost loved ones. 

Bernard David Hall-Mancey
26 Sep 1942 – 2 Apr 2020, Bromsgrove Concerts

Those who knew Bernard as a teacher, conductor of choral societies, full-time examiner or trustee, gained much through his company. He was the most generous of people, enlivening conversations with his wit and anecdotes. In retirement he continued to champion music in the community with BIMC, OSJ, the David Morgan Trust and as Secretary of Bromsgrove Concerts. He will be much missed. For a fuller obituary visit Bromsgrove Standard.


Carole Wood
Died 1 April 2020, Soundswell Community Choir, Nottingham

Carole was a much loved and much valued long-time member of the soprano section of our choir, and a frequent soloist at our end-of-term concerts. Carole loved jazz and will be remembered especially for her wonderfully dynamic performances. We will miss her very much. Gloria Morgan, Membership Secretary, Soundswell Choir.


Michael Gerard
1947-2020, Leicester Concert Community Band, Leicester

Michael was a multi-instrumentalist well known across the Leicestershire music scene. A much loved, generous and caring gentleman, renowned for his kindness. Music was his great passion and he loved to make music whatever the genre. Michael played french horn in LCCB since it began as 2nd wind in 2007. He was also a member of a variety of orchestras and groups, including the Clarendon Park Orchestra. For a fuller obituary visit The Guardian.


Charles Oldfield    
1937-2020, Wilmslow Symphony Orchestra

Charles had been a member and chairman of Wilmslow Symphony Orchestra for many years until retiring around 2000.  He was an excellent horn player, also playing in other local orchestras and conducting the Poynton British Legion Concert Band. He will be remembered for his laid back but very effective management skills and much missed by all his friends.


Visit the Cruse Bereavement Care website for support, or call their national helpline on 0808 808 1677. For a searchable list of local support organisations, visit The Good Grief Trust.