- Adopt a Music Creator legacy: re-scored compositions from Adopt a Music Creator projects since 2017 are available to download and perform for free
- ChoirCommunity: a 15% discount on sheet music and learning tracks for all genres of choral music
- Composers Edition: 10% discount on all purchases, hire and commissioning
- Hal Leonard: a 15% discount on buying music from musicroom.com
We know that many of our member groups operate on a tight budget. Working with our corporate members, we’ve collected more than two dozen discounts, subsidies and offers to help our members save on everything from sheet music to booking artists and making recordings.
Lots of the discounts are for individuals too – such as music technology software and instrument insurance – meaning you can pass the benefit on to any individual member of your group. You just need to invite them to register.
Below you can see a list of all our currently available discounts, offers and subsidies with links to find out more about claiming them. If there is a discount your group would find useful that is not listed get in touch and let us know.
Discounts for...
- Steinberg: exclusive discounts on Steinberg's wide range of music software, like Dorico, Cubase, UR Audio Interface and many others
- The Maestro Online - monthly subscription to all masterclass content for £10 (normal price £29.99)
- CHORALLY: a 25% discount for annual memberships to the CHORALLY dedicated online community platform
- MusicGurus: 15% discount for online music courses
- 360 Music: 15% off recordings on location, plus pre and post-production services and a special Christmas concert offer many others
- ACS: 15-20% discount on ACS hearing protection - custom-fit attenuating ear plugs, plus multi-buy discounts on universal fit ear plugs
- DBS checks: favourable rates for Making Music members who get their DBS checks with DBS provider UCheck
- Safeguarding training course: 10% off and multiple booking discounts for the Making Music/Child Protection Company online course, designed specifically for leisure-time music groups
Philip and Dorothy Green Young Artists: the UK’s top young professional musicians available to engage at affordable rates (subsidies available for in-person events)
- VAT Advice: VAT can be a tricky area for leisure-time groups. Corporate member, and VAT consultant, Les Howard has written some guidance for us, and offers a free initial consultation to members
- Ticketsource: an exclusive 0.5% discount on booking fees for Making Music members
- WeGotTickets: an option to donate 10% of the overall booking fee to Making Music when anyone purchases a ticket to your event
The Maestro Online - monthly subscription to all masterclass content for £10 (normal price £29.99)
- MusicGurus: 15% discount for online music courses
We hope you find this Making Music resource useful. If you have any comments or suggestions about the guidance please contact us. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the content of this guidance is accurate and up to date, Making Music do not warrant, nor accept any liability or responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the content, or for any loss which may arise from reliance on the information contained in it.