Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

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Displaying 481 - 492 of 842 results
Posted on 5 December 2018
Composer James Banner offers in depth reflections on collaboration as he meets with Two Rivers Concert Band for the Adopt a Composer project.My...
Posted on 4 December 2018
In Scotland an amateur trombonist from a brass band recently got very cross about local authorities cutting back free musical instrument...
Posted on 29 November 2018
The London Handel Festival returns 27 March to 29 April 2019 with a host of fantastic events.What is it?Each year the Festival has a slightly...
Posted on 27 November 2018
Players of the Stoneleigh Youth Training and Main Orchestras reflect on getting to know Ben See's music for Adopt a Composer as they...
Posted on 27 November 2018
In the first of four blog posts, composer Robert Laidlow discusses the rapid development of musical thoughts and directions for the AaC project with...
Posted on 20 November 2018
Corporate member Club Europe tells us why touring with your group is worthwhile.Going away on tour isn’t part of every choir’s calendar,...
Posted on 16 November 2018
Welcome to our new corporate supporter! Singing resource provider Melofonetica, explains what they do.Melofonetica provides training and...
Posted on 16 November 2018
Who'd have thought Adopt a Composer projects would end up marketed on Brighton buses? Lindsay Stoner, of the Fretful Federation Mandolin...
Posted on 14 November 2018
First impressions of Adopt a Composer from Da Capo Alba.Da Capo Alba, the adult orchestra of the Lanarkshire Guitar and Mandolin Association (...
Posted on 9 November 2018
When I was trying to justify my existence as a music student I often suffered from crises of confidence. In talking to colleagues years later it is...
Posted on 7 November 2018
We're thrilled to announce that two composers from our Adopt a Composer project have been nominated for the 2018 British Composer Awards....
Posted on 2 November 2018
Edmund Hunt on final amendments and writing spacial awareness into a score.Since my previous blog post, The Singers and I have passed...