Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

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Displaying 541 - 552 of 856 results
Posted on 5 July 2018
The Mayor of London wants to see more local arts and culture activities created and put on by local people in London, so the Greater London Assembly...
Posted on 4 July 2018
If you enjoyed taking part in Make Music Day, how about joining a global singing initiative of harmony and friendship on the UN International...
Posted on 4 July 2018
There are two orchestras associated with Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra, the Main Orchestra and the Training Orchestra (TO); both of whom are working...
Posted on 4 July 2018
After a year on the Adopt a Composer scheme alongside the composer Gaynor Barradell, Sarah Freshwater - trombone player for the...
Posted on 3 July 2018
Having been paired with Ben See on the Adopt a Composer scheme, we caught up with a couple of players from the Main Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra...
Posted on 3 July 2018
I have just completed the Certificate: The Practice of Music Making, a one-year programme developed by Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance...
Posted on 2 July 2018
Many Making Music member groups are currently exempt by law from paying a data protection fee as they process personal data for not-for-...
Posted on 2 July 2018
Following on from part I where Ben set an exercise to find the words for the Training Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra, part II takes a look at the people...
Posted on 2 July 2018
From 1 August 2018 there will be new rules about who will be disqualified from running a charity. We anticipate the impact will be minimal for our...
Posted on 2 July 2018
Since my initial introduction to the orchestra I’ve been back quite a few times. It has been a treat to sit in on a handful of rehearsals and...
Posted on 28 June 2018
It’s estimated that the number of choirs in the UK alone has risen to over 40,000 in recent years. A large proportion of those have been formed...
Posted on 27 June 2018
The Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra are working alongside conductor Ben See as part of Adopt a Composer. In this blog one of the orchestra's...