Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

If your group is a member of Making Music, and you have a story you'd like to share about a project or activity you've been involved in, then let us know.

Displaying 169 - 180 of 842 results
winners holding up their awards
Posted on 21 March 2022
Volunteers Glynne Stackhouse and Stephen Leeder share their reactions to having been awarded the 2021 President’s Award for their exceptional...
Posted on 18 March 2022
New corporate member Biiah gives us the lowdown on their portfolio for leisure-time music groups.At Biiah, we're building a global community that...
Posted on 16 March 2022
In this joint blog, Sheila Biegala of Ugie Voices and Foss Foster of Aberdeenshire Saxophone Orchestra (ASO) describe their tumultuous recording...
photo of branch in a forest
Posted on 10 March 2022
Hannah Fredsgaard-Jones describes her first meeting with Voices of Exmoor as part of their Adopt a Music Creator 2022 collaboration.As I travelled to...
logo of platinum project
Posted on 9 March 2022
Britain’s Big Platinum Performance will showcase the UK’s best leisure-time music groups on a recording that will be gifted this Platinum...
a picture of a notepad, pencil, headphones and keyboard for composing
Posted on 7 March 2022
Elizabeth de Brito - musicologist, host of The Daffodil Perspective podcast, and guest speaker at our recent event on programming women composers -...
Black-and-white photo of Amy Beach and colour portrait of Louise Farrenc
Posted on 7 March 2022
John Andrews, conductor of Trinity Orchestra, provides some welcome reflections on programming women composers for performances with his group.One of...
Calm ocean against a purple/pink sunset
Posted on 1 March 2022
Ongoing research published in the Journal of Music, Health, and Wellbeing continues to provide strong evidence of the pandemic's huge impact...
Posted on 1 March 2022
Edgar Divver recounts his first month working with Bedfordshire Woodwind Academy Flute Ensemble (BWAFE) as part of their Adopt a Music Creator 2022...
Rocks stacked in a tower against a natural waterfall background
Posted on 24 February 2022
Making Music has responded to the Government’s Levelling Up consultation with key contributions from our members. The Levelling Up agenda...
A vintage calculator
Posted on 24 February 2022
We have heard from a few member groups recently who have been contacted by HMRC and asked to submit a Company Tax Return (CTR). This is the tax...
members of the flute ensemble during rehearsal
Posted on 23 February 2022
Rebecca Demott of the Bedfordshire Woodwind Academy Flute Ensemble (BWAFE) relates her group's first workshop with music creator Edgar Divver, as...