What if we’ve already got a website? | Making Music

What if we’ve already got a website?

No problem. If you already have a website there are two options for you:

  1. If you have a website you like you can keep it, and just use the member login area and admin tools parts of Making Music Platform.

    You would keep your existing website and web address, and MM Platform would exist as a separate website, with an address something like 'groupname.makingmusicplatform.com'. This will be your members area and will have all the admin tools to manage your members and groups. You could link from your existing website to MM Platform by adding a ‘member login’ button that links to your MM Platform address.

    It is worth bearing in mind that if you go for this option your member area and admin system won’t be integrated with your website. They will be two completely separate sites.

    If you decide in a year or two that you want a new website you can ‘switch on’ the website part of your Making Music Platform site very easily.

  1. If you have a website but would like a new one you can use Making Music Platform and keep your old website address.

    Let’s say your current website address is groupname.org.uk When you sign up for MM Platform we will set up a new website for you – it will be addressed something like groupname.makingmusicplatform.com.  You will keep your current site as it is whilst you prepare your new MM Platform site.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Once you are happy with the MM Platform site and are ready to launch it to the world, you simply let us know and we switch it so that your new MM Platform site has the same web address as your old site (groupname.org.uk). Visitors will no longer see your old site when using that web address, instead they will only see your new site.