Survey Results: Young People and Participation in Amateur Music Groups | Making Music

Survey Results: Young People and Participation in Amateur Music Groups

Research published by Making Music sheds new light on the obstacles amateur music groups face when attracting younger members.

The research was funded by a legacy donation to Making Music, with the aim of uncovering the barriers that are stopping young people from joining amateur music groups. It comes in response to a 2014 survey by Music for All which found that there are 13.6 million people in the UK who could be described as a lapsed player, of which almost 70% stopped by the time they were 16 years old.

How to encourage participation

The results of the study will provide the basis for us to develop additional resources, tools and advice over the next two years to help groups remove or mitigate these barriers and to help young people find and get involved in amateur music.

As the first of these, we've partnered with Arts Award to make it simple for you to become an Arts Award Supporter - where your group offers music 'experiences' (as audiences, volunteers or performers) to young people in your area.
The scheme has so far seen over a quarter of a million young people connected with arts organisations, and provides a great way to introduce new young audiences and potential members to your group.

Find out more about how it works.


Xenia Davis, Youth Engagement Manager, said:

“Music plays such a key role in both improving health and wellbeing and bringing communities together. Now more than ever, it’s crucial to find ways to involve and engage young people in making music.”

View the full survey results and analysis below.

Youth Engagement in Music report


Download the Report.

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