How to update your group contacts | Making Music

How to update your group contacts

This guide will explain how to manage your group contacts through the Dashboard area on our website, including inviting new people and setting website permissions. 

The Manage My Group section is easy to use. We will explain the various things you can do below. But first, it’s important to understand the different website permissions.

There are two levels of permission on our website; User and Admin User (Admins)

Users can:

  • access all of our online resources
  • add and edit event listings
  • add and edit vacancy listings

Admins can do all the above, plus:

  • renew membership and insurance
  • edit the group profile
  • view membership and insurance information
  • access insurance documents
  • manage contacts (i.e. invite people to join the group and give Group Admin website access)

What can you do via Manage My Group?

Updating existing contacts 

Set someone as MM Group Rep – do this via the dropdown menu. Individuals only appear in the dropdown if they have admin rights. New MM Group Reps will receive an automated email containing more information about the role.

Assigning admin rights and member roles (e.g. treasurer) – do either of these by clicking edit next to the person’s name. If someone is given Admin rights they will receive an automated email notification.

Removing someone from your group – click edit and untick the Group Member box. No automated email is sent.

Inviting new people to be linked to your group

Admin users can invite as many of their group members to be linked to their group on the Making Music site as they like. All you need is their name and email address. To invite people to click on ‘Invite new member’ at the bottom of the member list.

  • If the person is not already registered on the Making Music site they will be sent an email inviting them to register and will appear in the ‘Invited member’ section of the Manage My Group page. Once they have completed their registration they will automatically move to the main area.
  • If they are already registered on the site (e.g. with another music group) they will be sent an email and go straight into the main area of your ‘Manage My Group’ section.

Approving a request

Individuals can also request to be linked to your group. If someone does this all group admins will receive an email. You can approve or decline the request via the ‘Members awaiting approval & Invited Members’ section on your Manage My Group page. Whoever made the request will receive an email when you approve or decline the request.

We hope you find this Making Music resource useful. If you have any comments or suggestions about the guidance please contact us. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the content of this guidance is accurate and up to date, Making Music does not warrant, nor accept any liability or responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the content, or for any loss which may arise from reliance on the information contained in it.